Tabu Jungle
Bad Sex-Education or No Sex-Education: Many of us have gone through either of these. Much too often Sex Education is still framed in heteronormativity focusing on reproduction and contraception. We are not given a broader vocabulary beyond maneuvering risks, fear, and prevention.
‘Tabu Jungle’ is an experimental online event for initiating conversations around sexual health that are so important for our well-being and too often still kept silent. The online exhibition space was conceited after a trilingual survey about tabu topics in sexual health. The virtual exhibition space was explored by the visitors as avatars who got in conversation with other visitors they met in the space.
In collaboration with Marie Dietze and Dorota Orlof.
This work was part of People to People Playground Festival 2021, which is organized by the German-Israeli Future Forum Foundation
Bad Sex-Education or No Sex-Education: Many of us have gone through either of these. Much too often Sex Education is still framed in heteronormativity focusing on reproduction and contraception. We are not given a broader vocabulary beyond maneuvering risks, fear, and prevention.
‘Tabu Jungle’ is an experimental online event for initiating conversations around sexual health that are so important for our well-being and too often still kept silent. The online exhibition space was conceited after a trilingual survey about tabu topics in sexual health. The virtual exhibition space was explored by the visitors as avatars who got in conversation with other visitors they met in the space.
In collaboration with Marie Dietze and Dorota Orlof.
This work was part of People to People Playground Festival 2021, which is organized by the German-Israeli Future Forum Foundation